Optimize Well Performance with Safe Acid
Safer for Your Operations, Safer for the Environment
The Flatirons Chemicals Safe Acid improves formation propagation, corrosion protection, and provides a delayed effect which keeps your personnel safe from chemical burns. FC Safe Acid has 4X better depth penetration than standard HCI 15%. FC Safe Acid’s proprietary formula has no fuming, inhibits burns, and gives off a pleasant cinnamon odor.

Request Your Free Safe Acid Consultation
Deeper, Safer Wormhole Propagation
Discover how Safe Acid can enhance your well’s performance while protecting against corrosion.
We had Core Laboratories conduct the testing on the FC Safe Acid. The test compared our product to standard 15% HCl. We tested to compare wormhole propagation into similar pieces of Indiana limestone.
A test was performed to better understand the rate of reaction between FC Safe Acid and a standard 15% HCl.
Study Results
The HCl has an aggressive effect initially, followed by a rapid decrease in activity which limits the penetration of the product.
The FC Safe Acid has a desired prolonged effect which keeps the slope nearly consistent which will allow deeper wormhole propagation.


FC Safe Acid-MT is a 15wt% HCl for fracturing carbonate reservoirs. FC Safe Acid-MT comprises a patent- pending inhibitor package comprising a stable emulsion designed for treating reservoirs with low to moderate temperatures up to 275°F.
- Vapor: No fuming
- Odor: Cinnamon - pleasant
- Color: Light Amber
- Inhibit burns to intact skin
- Environmentally Benign Inhibitor package
- 50% Reduction in Surface Tension (vs 15% HCl)
- Economic choice for lower temperature corrosion up to 275°F
- Compatible with all concentration HCl or mud acids blends
- For acidizing / cleaning onshore and offshore
- Protects all casing steels used in oil and gas applications
- Safe and environmental benign
- Propargyl Alcohol-Free
- Synergy with oil-recovery surfactants
FC Safe Acid-HT is a 15wt% HCl emulsion for fracturing carbonate reservoirs. FC Safe Acid-HT comprises a patent-pending inhibitor package comprising a stable emulsion designed for treating reservoirs with higher temperatures of 325°F.
- Vapor: No fuming
- Odor: Cinnamon - pleasant
- Color: Dark Amber
- Inhibit burns to intact skin
- Environmentally Benign Inhibitor package
- 50% Reduced Surface Tension (vs 15% HCl)
- Excellent CI to 325°F
- Very effective for high temperature up to 325˚F(This can be increased with intensifiers)
- Compatible with all concentration HCl or mud acids blends
- For acidizing / cleaning onshore and offshore
- Protects all casing steels used in oil and gas applications
- Synergy with oil-recovery surfactant

Flatirons Chemicals offers Oilfield chemical services to the Oil and Gas Industry. Our commitment to customer service and providing world-class quality products extends to our newest product addition Flatirons Safe Acid.
FC Safe Acid offers the highest level of effectiveness through better wormhole propagation. Up to 4X the level of propagation of tradition 15% HCI.
We have the product to get the job done. Our Safe Acid is superior to other systems, and we have done studies to prove it. In addition to extensive in-house studies, we also had a third party conduct tests to verify our findings.
10385 Westmoore Drive, Suite 225
Westminster, CO 80021
(855) 339-0796
Flatirons Chemicals Williston Shop and Operations Headquarters
1233 East Broadway
Williston, ND 58801